发布时间:2017-09-21 浏览量:2118

报告题目:Visualizing Network Graphs in an Immersive Virtual Environment

报告人:张康 教授

主持人:王长波 教授




Network graph visualization faces the challenges of visual clutters and occlusions due to edge crossings and node-edge overlaps. Approaches for efficient and effective exploration of network graphs are urgently needed. This talk will present an interactive visualization approach for intuitive exploration of network graphs inside a spherical virtual reality environment. To reduce visual clutter and reveal network patterns, we also propose a parameterized 5-step 3D edge bundling algorithm and a set of techniques to avoid collision of graph edges with the viewpoint. Our spherical interaction and 3D edge bundling approach have been implemented in an Oculus Rift VR system. We demonstrate the usefulness of our approach with two case studies on real-world data and usability experiments. Other research projects, including tree visualization and generative art, will also be briefly introduced.


张康博士现任美国The University of Texas at Dallas计算机科学(Computer Science)专业和艺术与技术(Arts and Technology)专业终生教授,可视计算实验室主任。同时也是天津大学软件学院兼职教授和博士生导师,他于1982年2月在成都电讯工程学院(现改名为电子科技大学)取得计算机工程学士学位, 1990年在英国University of Brighton取得计算机工程博士学位,2011年在美国University of Texas at Dallas取得EMBA学位。现任IEEE VISSOFT-2017大会主席,VINCI指导委员会主席,Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Journal of Big Data,The Visual Computer,  Journal of Visual Languages and Sentient Systems和《软件学报》编委,并应邀在多个管理科学和计算机科学国际会议上作主旨演讲,担任过多个国际会议共同主席和程序委员会主席。发表过7本论著, 80多篇SCI和AHCI检索期刊论文, 和160多篇国际会议论文。张康教授的主要研究领域是可视化语言, 信息可视化, 计算机艺术, 软件工程。他的个人网页是:www.utdallas.edu /~kzhang.



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