12月29日:Weizhi Meng
发布时间:2018-12-27 浏览量:2314
报告题目:Designing Touch Movement-based Geographical Password Authentication on Smartphones
报告人:   Weizhi Meng  
Technical University of Denmark
主持人:   张磊 研究员
报告时间:12月29日 周六15:00-16:00

Smartphones such as Android phones and iPhones are widely adopted worldwide and users’ privacy are challenged by various attacks. There is a great need for a robust user authentication mechanism. Up to now, textual passwords are the most widely adopted authentication method, but they are vulnerable to many known limitations. Graphical password is considered as one alternative to complement the existing authentication systems, based on the observation that humans can remember images better than textual information. In order to obtain a large password space, geographical passwords have received much attention, which enable users to select one or more places on a map for authentication. In particular, users can perform more types of gestures like touch movement on mobile devices as compared to a common computer. Based on this observation, this talk introduces TMGMap, a touch movement-based geographical password scheme on smartphones, which allows users to draw their secrets on a world map via touch movement events.
Dr. Weizhi Meng is currently an assistant professor in the Cyber Security Section, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the City University of Hong Kong (CityU), Hong Kong. Prior to joining DTU, he worked as a research scientist in Infocomm Security (ICS) Department, Institute for Infocomm Research, A*Star, Singapore, and as a senior research associate in CS Department, CityU. He won the Outstanding Academic Performance Award during his doctoral study, and is a recipient of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/Researchers in both 2014 and 2017. He is also a recipient of Best Paper Award from ISPEC 2018, and Best Student Paper Award from NSS 2016. His primary research interests are cyber security and intelligent technology in security, including intrusion detection, smartphone security, biometric authentication, HCI security, trust computing, blockchain in security, and malware analysis. He served as program committee members for 20+ international conferences. He is co-PC chair for IEEE Blockchain 2018, IEEE ATC 2019, IFIPTM 2019, Socialsec 2019. He also served as guest editor for FGCS, JISA, Sensors, CAEE, IJDSN, SCN, WCMC, etc.


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