
  • In January 2002, the Software Engineering Institute was founded;

  • In 2003, the Software Engineering Institute established Shanghai Institute of Embedded System;

  • In September 2004, the Software Engineering Institute established the Institute of Computing Theory;

  • In January 2007, the Software Engineering Institute established the Institute of Massive Computing;

  • In May 2015, the Software Engineering Institute established four departments (Software Science and Technology, Data Science and Engineering, Embedded Software and System, and Cryptography and Internet Security);

  • In September 2015, the School of Computer Science and Software Engineering was founded;

  • In July 2019, the Faculty of Information was founded, to which Software Engineering Institute is affiliated.

Software Engineering Institute

Address:Zhongshan North Road 3663, Shanghai
                Nanmu Road111, Shanghai

E-mail:office@sei.ecnu.edu.cn  | Tel:021-62232550

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