6月9日:Qi Cheng
发布时间:2017-06-02 浏览量:3020

报告题目:LWE from Non-commutative Group Rings

报告人:Prof. Qi Cheng

主持人:曹珍富 教授

报告时间:6月9日 周五 10:00-11:30



Dr. Qi Cheng is the Williams Companies Foundation Presidential Professor in the School of Computer Science at the University of Oklahoma. His main research areas are in theoretical computer science, cryptography, coding theory, computational number theory and molecular computing. He obtained the B.S. degree from Nankai University in 1992, the M.S. degree from Fudan University in 1995, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Southern California in 2001. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award in 2003, and a recipient of the distinguished paper award of ISSAC 2013.



The Ring Learning-With-Errors (LWE) problem, whose security is based on hard ideal lattice problems, has proven to be a promising primitive with diverse applications in cryptography. There are however recent discoveries of faster algorithms for the principal ideal SVP problem, and attempts to generalize the attack to non-principal ideals. In this work, we study the LWE problem on group rings, and build cryptographic schemes based on this new primitive. One can regard the LWE on cyclotomic integers as a special case when the underlying group is cyclic, while our proposal utilizes non-commutative groups, which eliminates the weakness associated with the principal ideal lattices. In particular, we show how to build public key encryption schemes from Dihedral group rings, which maintains the efficiency of the ring-LWE and improves its security.


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