6月12号: Steve Jiang
发布时间:2017-06-05 浏览量:2991

报告题目:  Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIM)
报告人: Steve Jiang (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center)

报告时间:6月12号 周一10:00-11:30

Recently we have seen huge advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) mainly due to advancements in computing power, deep learning algorithms, big data, and cloud computing. AI has been identified as the next big area of innovation and attracted tremendous amount of talent and capital. One major application for AI is medicine. IBM Watson Healthcare is a good example that has shown great potential of assisting physicians for better disease diagnosis and treatment decision making. We will briefly review the current status and our perspective of artificial intelligence in medicine (AIM). Specifically we will discuss where we are, what is the future, and what are challenges. The main goal of this talk is to motivate computer scientists, by working closely with researchers in healthcare, to develop and/or deploy cutting edge AI technologies to solve various important medical problems. 


Prof. Jiang received his Ph.D. in Medical Physics from Medical College of Ohio in 1998. After completing his postdoctoral training at Stanford, he joined Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in 2000 as an Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology. In 2007, Dr. Jiang joint University of California San Diego to build Center for Advanced Radiotherapy Technologies, for which he was the founding and executive director.In October 2013, Dr. Jiang joined University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center as Barbara Crittenden Professor in Cancer Research, Vice Chair of Radiation Oncology Department, and Director of Medical Physics and Engineering Division.

Dr. Jiang is a Fellow of Institute of Physics and American Association of Physicists in Medicine. He currently serves on the Editorial Board for Physics in Medicine and Biology journal. Dr. Jiang's research in various areas of cancer radiotherapy has been funded by federal, charitable, and industrial grants for over 15 million dollars, resulting in over 150 peerreviewed papers with an H-index of 61. His current research interest is on the development and application of artificial intelligence technologies to solve medical problems. He has supervised over 30 postdoctoral fellows and 10 Ph.D. students.


Steve Bin Jiang教授,德克萨斯大学西南医学中心放射肿瘤系副主任,医学物理和工程部主任,Barbara Crittenden 冠名教授。 Bin Jiang教授毕业于俄亥俄医学院,获得博士学位,进入斯坦福大学进行博士后研究。2000年加入麻省总医院,任哈佛医学院助理教授,并于2007年加入加州大学圣地亚哥分校。2013年,Bin Jiang教授作为Barbara Crittenden冠名教授加入德克萨斯大学西南医学中心,并担任放射肿瘤系副系主任。Bin Jiang教授是美国物理学会和医学物理学家协会会士,《医学和生物物理》杂志编委。他的研究获得美国联邦政府、工业界和慈善基金超过1千5百万美元的资助,迄今为止发表了140余篇高水平论文。


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