6月15日: 贺劲松
发布时间:2017-06-13 浏览量:3432

报告题目: Double degeneration of the mulit-breathers and the optical rogue waves

报告人:贺劲松 教授(宁波大学)






          主要研究领域是可积非线性偏微分方程(组)的数学理论及其物理应用,多次应邀到 University of Cambridge (4次),University of Sheffield (3次) 等大学访问和报告。负责国家国家科学基金5项(4项已经结题),曾参加973项目、国家自然科学基金项目、中科院项目多项。入选教育部2008年度新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2009-2011)。在国内外SCI学术刊物上发表论文总计125篇(美国数学评论收录105篇)。 他在数学物理中有重要影响的刊物发表多篇论文, 如 Proceedings of The Royal Society Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (2篇), Letters in Mathematical Physics (3篇), Studies in Applied Mathematics (2篇),Journal of Mathematical Physics (13篇), Nonlinearity (1篇),Journal of Geometry and Physics(1篇),Journal of Physics A (3篇),Chaos(1篇),Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics(5篇)。在非线性科学中有重要影响的刊物 Physical Review E 上发表论文9篇 2012年以来,Googlescholar中有引用2200余次。目前研究主要集中在怪波, 已经发表大约45篇论文。


           It is quite tricky and challenging to generate the higher-order rogue waves in optical system. In this talk, the double degeneration of the multi-breather is demonstrated visually. Furthermore, we introduce a special kind of breather solution of the nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation, the so-called breather-positon (b-positon for short), which can be obtained by taking the limitin the order-n breather, which is generated by the n-fold Darboux transformation from a special “seed” solution–plane wave.  Further, an order-n b-positon gives an order-n rogue wave under a limit.We also suggest a new way to observe higher-order rogue waves generation in an optical fiber, namely, measure the patterns at the central region of the higher-order b-positon generated by  ideal initial pulses when is very close to the . Four animations demonstrate clearly the tendency from a breather to a b-positon, and then to a rogue wave.


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