11月9日: Eric Fleury
发布时间:2017-11-03 浏览量:1845


报告题目:How social, economic and demographic forces shape linguistic variation on Twitter

报告人:Eric Fleury 教授





Our usage of language is not solely reliant on cognition but is arguably determined by myriad external factors leading to a global variability of linguistic patterns. This issue, which lies at the core of socialinguistics and is backed by many small-scale studies on face-to-face communication, is addressed here by constructing a dataset combining the largest French Twitter corpus to date with detailed socioeconomic maps obtained from national census in France. We show how key linguistic variables measured in individual Twitter streams depend on factors like socioeconomic status, location, time, and the social network if individuals. We found that (i) people of higher socioeconomic status, active to a greater degree during the daytime, use a more standard language; (ii) the southern part of the country is more prone to using more standard language than the northern one, while locally het used variety or dialect is determined by the spatial distribution of socioeconomic status; and (iii) individuals connected in the social network are closer linguistically than disconnected ones, even after the effects of status homophily have been removed. Our results inform sociolinguistic theory and may inspire novel learning methods enabling the inference of socioeconomic status of people from the way the tweet.


Eric Fleury is a full professor at Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon (ENS de Lyon). Eric Fleury works in ENS Lyon Computer Science Lab. Since his PhD in 1996, Eric Fleury has conducted research activities in three main directions. He first contributed to parallel algorithms, distributed memory architectures, workmhole commnucations and routing, obtaining results on general theory for deadlock free routing. His activities have been gradually moving from networking protocals & distributed algorithms to Wireless Sensor Networks as a way to measure and conduct real data of large scale in situ networks. His activities concern also the study and analysis of dynamic networks. Eric Fleury works in particular on social networks, community detection and spreading phenomena. Recently he successfully launched Fellows, an experiment on Facebook to evaluate a novel graph metric of the cohesion of a community. In this specific context of real networks and application of Information Science and Technologies (like in the MOSAR, SoSweet, Dylnet projects), his scientific activities aim at tackle challenges posed by societal issues.


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