11月29日:Frederic Mallet
发布时间:2017-11-24 浏览量:1982

报告题目:  Model-Based System Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems

报告人:Frederic Mallet 教授


报告时间 :2017年11月29日9:00-10:30




Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are networks of heterogeneous embedded systems immersed within a physical environment. Several ad-hoc frameworks and mathematical models have been studied to deal with challenging issues raised by CPSs. We explore a more standard-based approach that relies on UML/SysML/MARTE to capture different aspects of CPSs, including structure, system behaviors, clock constraints, and non-functional properties. The novelty of our work lies in the use of logical clocks and MARTE/CCSL to drive and coordinate different models. Meanwhile, to capture stochastic behaviors of CPSs, we propose an extension of CCSL, called pCCSL, where logical clocks are adorned with stochastic properties. The stochastic information is used to capture the uncertain behavior of the environment. Possible variants are explored using Statistical Model Checking (SMC) via a transformation from the MARTE/pCCSL models into Stochastic Hybrid Automata. The whole process is illustrated through a case study of energy-aware building in which the system is modeled by UML/MARTE/pCCSL and different variants are explored through SMC to help expose the best alternative solutions.



Frederic Mallet  is a full professor in University Nice Sophia Antipolis, Aoste- Niria Sophia Antipolis mediterranee /CNRS, the Deputy Head of Joint Lab, UMR CNRS.


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