发布时间:2018-09-04 浏览量:2253
报告题目:A Decomposition-based Approach towards the Control of Boolean Networks
报告人:   庞军 卢森堡大学 (Associate Researcher,Université du Luxembourg)
主持人:   张敏 副教授
报告地点:理科大楼B 1002室
Dr. Jun Pang has been a senior researcher with the Computer Science and Communications research unit of the University of Luxembourg since 2008. He received his PhD degree in computer science from Free University Amsterdam in 2004, based on research performed at CWI Amsterdam. His main research interests lie in the areas of formal methods, social media mining, security and privacy, and computational systems biology. He is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and he has the full authorisation to direct research and supervise PhD students from the University of Luxembourg.
We study the problem of computing a minimal subset of nodes of a given asynchronous Boolean network that need to be controlled to drive its dynamics from an initial steady state (or attractor) to a target steady state. Due to the phenomenon of state-space explosion, a simple global approach that performs computations on the entire network, may not scale well for large networks. We believe that efficient algorithms for such networks must exploit the structure of the networks together with their dynamics. Taking such an approach, we derive a decomposition-based solution to the minimal control problem which can be significantly faster than the existing approaches on large networks. We apply our solution to both real-life biological networks and randomly generated networks, demonstrating promising results.


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