12月17日:Vladimir Zaborovsky
发布时间:2018-12-13 浏览量:2013

报告题目:Hybrid HPC Future: Cost and Benefits for Digital Transformation of Industrial Infrastructure
报告人:    Prof.Vladimir Zaborovsky 
Polytechnic University,Russia
主持人:   王长波 教授
报告时间:12月17日 周一14:00 



At the present time, supercomputers play an essential role in scientific discovery and used virtually in every area of fundamental and applied sciences in which understanding of the problems are reached the digital forms. Our ability to address important scientific and engineering challenges frequently depends on performance of supercomputers and therefore in foreseeable future we will pay attention to find effective ways to improve HPC technology.Applications for HPC are currently limited by ability to divided computers workloads between two main resources: processor and memory. In fact we have two approaches to provide digital solution of scientific tasks: the first – based on calculations that driven by processor, the second – based on calculations that driven by memory. However, despite continuing increases in capability, supercomputer systems are still inadequate to meet the needs of many scientific challenges.
Therefore future HPC will dealing with highly heterogeneous architecture, with wide range of processor configurations, interconnections, and virtualization. No doubt, the “right” solution should be different kind of hybrid supercomputer power, with various kinds of specialized compute and memory resources, possibly including quantum, FPGA and neuromorphic computing.
Prof. Zaborovsky received his degrees in Computer Science (M.Sc. in 1979 , PhD in 1983, and Dr.Hab, in 1999) from Polytechnic University of Saint Petersburg, Russia. His major R&D contributions  belongs to computer science, informatics and robotics control of large scale power system, automotive and space applications, cloud technologies and supercomputing services.Dr. Zaborovsky received a Dr.Sci.Tech degree and in 1999 became professor at the Telematics Department at Polytechnic University and Deputy Chief Designer at Institute for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics. In 2008-2015 in cooperation with the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics Zaborovsky was responsible for science aspects of space experiment “Kontur” on board the International Space Station (ISS). The main objectives of this experiment is to study the protocols for planetary robots which controls from a board  of  manned space station, taking into account the delay in transmitting signals and  multi-purpose goals of operations which provides by group of robots. Today's scientific interests of prof. Zaborovsky associated with the development of network centric  management and quantum components of supercomputers in which the fundamental laws of physics and computer science will be merge together to form a new class calculation processes. Currently, prof. Zaborovsky is a director of Computer Science and Technology Institute at Polytechnic University, led the team of scientists who works in the fields of cyber-physics, silicon quantum computing, AI applications for IoT, digital medicine, and cybersecurity of hybrid systems.Zaborovsky is the author of more than 150 scientific papers and 8 patents. Email: vlad2tu@yandex.ru





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